Saturday, 16 March 2013

Goodbye! M.A.S.H going into Archive

Hi Everyone

Gosh it's been a while since I visited this blog! I have really enjoyed blogging here and sharing my views, joys and inspirations. It's been a great platform for developing my style in both photography and blogging and has driven me to explore new music, art, style and hype about it!

With many new ventures I've unfortunately had no time to keep blogging here however you can view my new projects here where I will still be blogging about similar things but on a different blog:

My photography arts blog:

My website:

I'm also the creative director and main contributor to Lost & Found Mag blog where I have been spending a lot of time managing the blog and launching it. M.A.S.H blog has given me the experience to create Lost & Found's image and I hope for the publication to be launched A/W 2013. Please check out the blog here:

Many thanks for reading over the years. Can't believe I created my first post 6th July 2010! Feels like such a long time ago. And for people to still read this blog is amazing. Thank you for 89,965 page views! You certainly have given me the confidence.

So time for a goodbye to this blog... it's been great blogging! The blog will still be live on the internet but I will cease to blog anymore.
